NASA’s $1 Billion Spacecraft Beams Back The Sharpest Images Of Jupiter—EVER
NASA’s $1 Billion Spacecraft Beams Back The Sharpest Images Of Jupiter—EVER Juno flew by...
There is a “Highly Habitable” Planet Just 4 light years from Us, Astronomers Say
There is a “Highly Habitable” Planet Just 4 light years from Us, Astronomers Say A nearby exoplanet orbiting within the...
Lost Weather Balloon GoPro Found Two Years Later With Incredible Video of Earth from Space (video)
Lost Weather Balloon GoPro Found Two Years Later With Incredible Video of Earth from Space Five friends in Arizona planned to send a GoPro,...
Es oficial: los astrónomos han descubierto otra Tierra
El Telescopio Espacial Kepler de la NASA detectó un planeta similar a la Tierra girando alrededor...
It’s Official: Astronomers Have Discovered another Earth
NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope detected an Earth-like planet circling a neighbouring star NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope detected...
Ex-US Army Major Released NASA Footage Of 2000-Mile-Long UFO Near Saturn
Ex-US Army Major Released NASA Footage Of 2000-Mile-Long UFO Near Saturn The search for alien life on Saturn’s moon has recently got a...
La NASA comparte la imagen más grande jamás vista de la galaxia de Andrómeda, Internet la llama “extraordinariamente hermosa”
La agencia espacial estadounidense NASA compartió el domingo la imagen “más grande jamás”...
Los científicos descubren el “primer sistema de su tipo” de 3 estrellas en el espacio profundo
Un ballet de estrellas está teniendo lugar en algún lugar de las profundidades de nuestro universo. Tres estrellas gigantescas y...
This civilization on Earth is actually an alien civilization and has aprox 103 million year-old
Aside from that, we’ve discovered a slew of indications indicating our ancestors were far more “worldly” in character. The recently...
Sending radio signals to Earth “every 18.18 minutes, like clockwork,” is an object that is “unlike anything astronomers have ever seen”
According to Australian astronomers, a weird spinning object in the Milky Way has been identified...
Scientists Discover ‘First of Its Kind’ 3-Star System in Deep Space
A star ballet is taking place somewhere in the depths of our universe. Three gigantic, brilliant stars are caught in a dance by their own...
La NASA admite la iniciativa Alcubierre Drive: más rápido que la velocidad de la luz
La NASA está trabajando actualmente en la primera prueba de campo práctica hacia la posibilidad de viajar más rápido que la luz. Viajar...
La NASA vio algo salir de un agujero negro por primera vez
No es necesario ser un experto en ciencias para saber que los agujeros negros generalmente atraen...
NASA Shares Largest-Ever Image Of Andromeda Galaxy, Internet Calls It “Extraordinarily Beautiful”
American space agency NASA on Sunday shared the “largest-ever” image assembled of the Andromeda galaxy by the Hubble Space Telescope....
Scientists Watched a Star Explode in Real Time for The First Time Ever
Astronomers have watched a giant star blow up in a fiery supernova for the first time ever — and the spectacle was even more explosive...
Fleet of UFOs appear above the Pyramids of Giza, Egypt (video)
Something strange happened in the sky above the pyramids of Giza, on the night of December 3, 2020....
The Milky Way is ‘rippling’ like a pond, and scientists may finally know why
Sagittarius just can’t keep its hands off of us. Imagine the Milky Way’s 100 billion stars as a flat, tranquil pool of water....
NB 5G-IoT es la próxima gran novedad en la industria espacial
En la última década, hemos sido testigos de una revolución en la industria espacial. Los avances tecnológicos significativos, como la...