Two people who feel really strongly towards each other, strong enough to come forward with their feelings, enter a relationship. People don’t willingly enter a one-sided relationship or one where there isn’t any love from either side. Let’s face it, if people could look into the future and actually see whether their relationships lasted or not, the world would be a happier place.
A lot of things can happen, which results in a relationship going south. Some of these factors are beyond our control; however, most of them are easily avoided if two partners genuinely try to work through them. This isn’t the article where you’re given ways to avoid an unhappy relationship; instead it’s one of those which might reveal that your fears were actually true: your partner is unhappy in the relationship.
Now, it’s one thing when they actually come up to you and tell you that they’re unhappy and that’s as obvious as it gets. However, sometimes you’re left feeling confused about whether or not he or she’s unhappy. Outwardly, they seem pretty okay with things but you get a weird gut feeling which keeps you up at night.
So, here are a few of the signs which indicate that your partner is unhappy in the relationship:
1- Life’s boring:
Let me just clear something up right here because I can feel all of the comments of ‘well, duh’ rolling in. I know that eventually two people begin to lead a very normal life. The date nights and the parties etc. start to get more limited. Honestly, that’s not the sign of an unhappy relationship; it’s a sign of a long relationship. Now, some people are of the sort who’ll never let the excitement die out and others who keep it to a minimum. Neither of them is unhappy. The ones who are unhappy have a completely opposite life. – Continue reading on next page
There’s nothing to talk about and I mean literally nothing. Like, you two will actually go on date nights and feel like you would rather be doing something else. Had you two been fighting, it would’ve made the situation easier to comprehend. ‘Oh, he/she is mad right now so they aren’t talking’. Yet, you two haven’t been fighting but still it’s hard to come up with anything to talk about.
The weird part is that you two actually have topics to talk about. You want to tell him about that incident at work today but you just can’t seem to bring it up. They seem so uninterested in everything like they’d rather be anywhere but here. It feels so forced that it’s upsetting
2- They try to avoid any talks about the relationship:
No one likes to be nagged 24/7 about petty things in a relationship, I get that. However, some things aren’t petty and two people need to talk about them in order for the relationship to progress.
Communication is key and without communication, you’re basically living with a stranger. A basic sign for any unhappy relationship is the fact that the partners feel awkward when talking about their feelings with one another.
They feel like what they say might nag their partner or make them feel uncomfortable. This may be true or may not be, but the fact is that you can’t directly talk to them about anything. This might be a result of one of two things; you once did talk about relationship stuff and he brushed it off so you thought you shouldn’t anymore or you two talk so rarely about anything which requires an emotional connection that it just feels out-of-place.В – Continue reading on next page