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Harvard Scientist Claim That ‘Oumuamua Was Actually A Highly-Advanced Alien Reconnaissance Mission’

Harvard Scientist Claim That ‘Oumuamua Was Actually A Highly-Advanced Alien Reconnaissance Mission’

Within the realm of science, the peculiar interstellar object known as Oumuamua is surrounded by a cloud of secrecy. A novel hypothesis has just been put up as a potential explanation for the origin. According to this scenario, Oumuamua was a part of a reconnaissance mission sent by an extraterrestrial society interested in exploring other galaxies. This culture despatched Oumuamua in search of other galaxies.

This present idea originates from research that was just recently made public by a group of astronomers working at the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

According to the findings of a scan called Pan-STARRS-1 that was carried out in September of 2017, Oumuamua picked up speed. It came as a surprise to the researchers because they had anticipated that the peculiar rock would slow down. Researchers at the time hypothesized that the increased speed was due to outgassing, which is the release of gas that had been trapped or frozen inside of the rock.

Several astronomers, including Shmuel Bialy and Abraham Loeb, have argued that this theory is not accurate. According to Bialy and Loeb, the possibility of outgassing cannot be correct because Oumuamua would have spun if this were the case. Oumuamua does not have a spin, thus Bialy and Loeb interpret the growing speed away from the sun as being a result of the force that the sun exerts on its surface. According to Loeb, this will result in the item weighing less relative to its total surface area, hence enabling it to perform the functions of a lightweight sail.

According to Loeb and Bialy, the origin could have had a natural or an artificial beginning. It would be natural for it to occur in the interstellar medium or in protoplanetary disks. It would have to be manufactured in order for it to serve its purpose as a scouting probe on an excursion into the interior regions of the solar system.

As a consequence of this, the hypothesis that Oumuamua is an alien from another civilization is not completely out of the question. According to Bialy and Loeb, the reason for the suggestion of a reconnaissance expedition is that Oumuamua’s random orbit mandates the formation of a precise number of objects for each star in our galaxy. This is the reasoning behind the proposal. According to Loeb, unless Oumuamua is a targeted probe and not part of a random population of objects, this value shows a larger abundance than was projected. Oumuamua could be part of a random population of objects.

This new theory will call for a substantial amount of additional investigation, which will be challenging due to the fact that Oumuamua is no longer in our solar system and is now too far away to be observed.

From our vantage point, Oumuamua is a galaxy that is affiliated with our own.

Because of this,

Because of its oddly elongated shape, it is more brittle and susceptible to the effects of gravitational forces than, for example, a shape that is more spherical. If it had originated in another galaxy, it would not have survived the lengthy journey.

It’s astonishing that it navigated its way across our galaxy without getting damaged…

which, in my opinion, makes this most recent idea (which was proposed by one of our own members here as a possibility) all the more likely to be correct. [This possibility was proposed by one of our own members here.]

It is highly unlikely that this object is a simple type of asteroid because an object of that length and shape traveling through interstellar space for millions of years would have been pulverized and would not have maintained its shape for very long. This suggests that the object in question is not a simple type of asteroid.

In the past, Professor Hawking has shared his opinion that he thinks there is a good chance that it will be included into technology that is created by humans.

The item, in my opinion, appears to be quite similar to the so-called Apollo 20 mission that was supposed to have recorded a similar-looking shaped object lying half in and half out of a Lunar crater, but the actual image was collected by Apollo 15, not Apollo 20.

It is also the same shape as two other mysteries: the cigar-shaped, miles-long cylindrical spacecraft known as the ‘Ringmaker’ that is said to be hidden among Saturn’s rings, and a photograph obtained by the ‘New Horizon’ Pluto mission that appears to reveal three long, cylindrical objects in Pluto’s orbit. Both of these mysteries have the same shape.

The item in question may be found in the middle of the shot, and it is something that was brought back during the Apollo 15 mission:

And here’s a rendering of the weird, elongated cylindrical object from Interstellar space by an artist:

It should be noted that NASA and other independent experts, such as Professor Stephen Hawking, consider the form of a long, elongated cylinder to be the perfect shape to develop for the purpose of minimizing damage caused by interstellar dust, gas, and debris striking it.

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