First of all, congratulations are in order. If you have found yourself a strong and independent woman, then you should consider yourself lucky. It’s not every day that you would find yourself someone as amazing and as impressive as she is. And more than that, it’s even rarer for a strong girl also to develop an interest in a guy. That’s why it’s essential for you always to stay grateful for the treasure that has just landed on your lap. And part of being grateful means knowing not to take this woman for granted.
Of course, when you develop a certain level of comfort with a woman, there is a good chance that you will end up taking her for granted. And when you take her for granted, you might end up mistreating her. This is the absolute most significant mistake that you could make. After all, a strong and independent woman like herself would never be afraid of leaving you. If she sees that you aren’t treating her well, then you might as well just bid her goodbye.
Be very mindful of your actions when you’re in a relationship with her. Here are a few things that she is never going to tolerate in a romantic relationship:
1. You try to control her.
A strong and independent woman can’t be controlled. Let’s get that straightened out. If you think that you have the power to manipulate and control her, then you have another thing coming. She can see through anyone’s toxic tactics. So, you might as well give up before you even try. She is going to dump you faster than you also realize. She’s not just someone who you can toy around with.
2. You don’t support her goals and dreams.
As a strong and independent woman, she has a lot of goals and dreams. She is as ambitious as can be. This means that she’s always going to go after what she wants. And if you ever serve as added weight or as a roadblock, then she is going to walk away from you. She isn’t afraid of dropping her relationships in favor of her dreams.
3. You lie to her.
Dishonesty and deceit are going to be nonnegotiable in a relationship with her. She is never going to want to attach herself to a man who isn’t going, to be honest with her about something. So, if you think that you can lie to her to get yourself out of trouble, you have another thing coming. She is going to be very good at seeing through a guy’s lies.
4. You give excuses for your bad behavior.
Whenever you do something wrong in a relationship, then you have to own up to it. She isn’t going to put up with a guy who refuses to take responsibility for his actions. If you do something wrong, then be humble and apologize. Instead of giving excuses, start doling out apologies. Otherwise, she is going to drop you.