Scientists Puzzled Because James Webb is Seeing Things that are Unexpected.

NASA’s super-powerful James Webb Telescope has provided the most distant glimpses of the universe ever since its launch.

It has given answers to questions that were still unresolved. But, this raised other questions as well.

Until now, astronomers believed that galaxies arose during the early universe (after the Big Bang) would be small in size and irregular in shape.

But James Webb Telescope disproved this hypothesis of astronomers.

The JWST has revealed these galaxies to be astonishingly massive as are well-balanced and well-shaped.

It is a discovery that challenges existing beliefs about the origin of the universe and stresses the need to change the current understanding of the origin of the infant universe.

“The models just don’t predict this” Garth Illingworth, an astronomer at the University of California at Santa Cruz, told Washington Post.

“How do you do this in the universe at such an early time? How do you form so many stars so quickly?”

Old images of the universe taken by the Hubble Telescope, showed that early galaxies were misshapen and chaotic.

But the James Webb Telescope (JWST) debunks this assumption – those findings were an illusion based on the limited capabilities of the Hubble Telescope.

“We thought the infant universe was the chaotic place where there’s all these clumps of star formation, and things are all a-jumble” the Space Telescope Science Institute’s Dan Coe told WaPo.

Adding later that, before the JWST was launched into the orbit, Hubble Telescope’s imagery was “missing all the colder stars and the older stars. We were really only seeing the hot young ones.”

Although the findings from James Webb surprised astrophysicists, technological advances have a long history of leading to a period of large-scale scientific research into astronomy or beyond.

Discoveries made today can lay the foundation for future successes.

JWST is doing exactly what astronomers tell it to do.

It is exploring the exciting objects of the vast universe, while simultaneously answering old questions and generating new ones.