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Black Holes May Be Portal To Another Universe, Stephen Hawking Explains

Black Holes May Be Portal To Another Universe, Stephen Hawking Explains

Scientists have referred to black holes as cosmic objects that consume whatever comes into them but do not allow anything to escape from the inside. Stephen Hawking assumes that a black hole could be a portal to another universe. While addressing about 1,000 people at Harvard in 2015, Hawkings analyzed the groundbreaking theory with these words.

“Blackholes aren’t the eternal prisons they were once thought. Things can get out of a black hole, both from the outside and possibly through another universe. So, if you ever feel you’re in a black hole, don’t give up. There’s a way out.”

Scientists listening to the renowned astrophysicist were fascinated with his explanations. Keep in mind that Stephen Hawkings came up with Hawking’s radiation theory which revolutionized our understanding of black holes. According to this theory, Black holes thermally generate and emit subatomic particles until they lose their energy and proceed to evaporate. Based on this theory, Hawkings says that black holes are not entirely black and they don’t last for eternity.

Over time, black holes focus on consuming objects that move closer to their pathways. Scientists have always wondered where the particles of these cosmic objects go when black holes die. Keep in mind that black holes are not of the same size. Some can be as small as an atom with the mass of a mountain, while others can take the size of our solar system with a mass more powerful than millions of suns joined together.

When asked what happens inside a black hole, many scientists believed that matters are compressed to a tiny point known as a singularity. In reality, black holes are not actually holes. But instead, they are cosmic objects in space. However, they appear to us as holes because light cannot escape from their insides.

Stephen Hawking maintains his ground that black holes may be gateways to another universe. He said that before a black hole will serve as a channel to another universe, the hole would need to be large. If the hole is rotating, it may serve as a passage to another universe. However, if you eventually go through this hole, you will never be able to return to our universe.

Although we are yet to send advance our knowledge about black holes, scientists are already fascinated with Hawking’s theory. Future technologies will enable us to learn more about black holes and possibly prove Stephen Hawking’s theories about them.

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