Written by 10:48 pm World Secrets

25 Signs A Ghost Is Living In Your House

Whether you believe in the supernatural or not, you have to admit that the possibility of existing beyond the physical world is fascinating. We can argue about life after death all we want, but we’re pretty sure you’ve had some unexplainable moments in your house.

That weird tingling feeling, sudden drops in temperature, or odd sounds in the middle of the night may all point to signs of an entity living with you. There are things that go bump in the night.

So how can you tell for sure? Read on. Then look over your shoulder.

Your sensitive friends won’t visit

We all have that one friend whose vibe check powers seemingly border on the supernatural. Maybe a mutual friend is bad news for them when everyone thinks they’re hilarious, or perhaps they have the ability to know a couple broken up just by looking at them from across the room.

This friend may have excellent ghost sense if they’re complaining that your house has weird energy and needs to be cleansed using a bundle of rosemary or that it’s cold even when you’ve got the heating on.

Your friend may be unconsciously picking up on a houseguest visiting from beyond the grave.

There aren’t a lot of folks attuned to ghostly energy like your crystal-toting, herbal tea-drinking hippie friends, but pets are up there, especially cats.

If you want to know if a Casper has taken up residence in your home, your cat or dog is the best tool in your arsenal.

Strange behaviours, like your cat staring fixedly at an empty or unremarkable spot in the room, or the dog yowling at the same time every night even though they’re loved and fed are some signs.

If they run around as if they’re chasing an imaginary string when they’re not really predisposed to the zoomies, go call a professional.


An older house is more likely to be playing host to ghosts.

Unfortunately, old houses have quirks and personalities that ape the signs of a supernatural houseguest, so it’s hard to tell the difference between a home in need of a plumber or a priest.

If you’ve insulated the place properly but still experience random chilly spots in the centre of rooms, away from windows or ventilation, then you could be inadvertently walking right through a spirit.

Put on a scarf and give those ghouls their personal space.

Watch a single horror movie and you’ll know that ghosts and kids go together like strawberries and cream. Many believe that children are able to access the supernatural more easily.

They can hear higher frequencies, affect electromagnetic fields and even see things adults can’t.

If you think ghosts are hanging out in your bathtub or pantry, then watch your own children carefully or borrow a niece or nephew for the day.

If they start talking to imaginary friends, drawing “memories” with details from before they were born or playing morbid games, they might be influenced by a friend from beyond.

Ghosts are scary when you first experience them, but not all spirits are dangerous or inconvenient.

They stick around usually because your home is where they also lived, so they are unwilling or unable to move on. These spirits will send you signs that they are around and mean you no harm.

A ghost can do this is with smells. If you catch a whiff of perfume no one wears, smell flowers, potpourri, cigar smoke or unfamiliar washing powder, it could be a spirit nudging you.

Ghosts may not be malicious, but that does not mean they are not mischievous. Spirits get bored so they entertain themselves in many ways, one of which is shuffling your belongings around.

If you always lose your keys despite keeping them on the hook by the door, you might not be losing your mind.

Poltergeists are famous for messing with people’s stuff, but they don’t have a monopoly on it.

But if the items are moved around in a frenetic, chaotic or dangerous way, it’s probably poltergeist you are dealing with, as compared to a regular spirit.

A common theory about ghosts is that they are beings freed from the shackles of mortality, so they vibrate at a higher frequency than material matter.

This lets them move through our world and interact with objects and people to some extent without being seen or heard.

This explains why ghosts interact with televisions, radios and light bulbs, as these things include frequencies they can tap into.

If your television is on when you come downstairs in the morning and your kids swear it wasn’t them, then it may be a spirit who loves catching up on Real Housewives reruns.

Folklore dictates that ghosts will either haunt the place where they died or return to the location that feels like home to them to continue existing in peace.

So when you’re dealing with a spirit in your house, it’s probably because they either died or lived there before you did.

You could be visited by the ghost of a loved one or family member though. One who wants to watch over you or let you know that you are in their thoughts.

One way they do this is by leaving out their keepsakes, or objects that reference your relationship. A white feather is also a signal that their loved one is nearby.

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