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The Most Common Excuses Cheaters Use to Sneak Off: What to Watch For

Cheating is one of the most hurtful betrayals in a relationship. While every relationship is different, there are often common patterns and behaviors that can raise red flags. Cheaters frequently use excuses to cover their tracks, convincing their partner that their suspicious behavior is harmless. Recognizing these excuses can help you better understand if there’s reason to be concerned in your relationship. Here are 15 of the most common excuses cheaters use when sneaking off, along with explanations to help you stay informed.

1. “I Have to Work Late”

Claiming to work late is one of the most overused excuses. It’s easy to believe because work commitments are common. However, if this becomes a frequent excuse without any noticeable changes in workload or deadlines, it might warrant closer attention.

2. “I’m Hanging Out with Friends”

Cheaters often use friends as a cover for their actions. They know this excuse is less likely to be questioned, especially if you’ve met their friends before. Be cautious if they become vague about which friends they’re meeting or avoid giving details.

3. “I Need Some Time Alone”

While everyone needs alone time, consistently using this excuse while acting secretive can be a red flag. If their “alone time” involves being unreachable or they seem evasive about what they’re doing, it’s worth considering their intentions.

4. “I’m Going to the Gym”

Physical fitness is a common alibi for cheaters because it seems like a legitimate reason to spend time away. If they’re suddenly spending excessive hours at the gym or coming home without signs of having worked out, this could be suspicious.

5. “My Phone Died”

Cheaters often use the “my phone died” excuse to explain periods of unavailability. While everyone’s phone dies occasionally, if it happens frequently, especially during odd hours, it might be intentional to avoid communication.

6. “I Have a Family Obligation”

Family obligations can be a convenient cover, especially if the cheater knows their partner is unlikely to verify the claim. If they avoid giving details or their family seems unaware of these obligations, it might be worth questioning.

7. “I’m Running Errands”

Errands are a broad and unsuspicious excuse that doesn’t require much explanation. If they’re frequently out running errands for hours without clear results or seem evasive about what they were doing, this could be a cover-up.

8. “It’s a Work Trip”

Work trips provide cheaters with ample opportunities to be away without suspicion. However, if these trips become more frequent, last-minute, or seem unusually vague, it could indicate something more than business.

9. “I’m Helping a Friend”

Cheaters often use the “helping a friend” excuse because it positions them as considerate and kind. If this friend never seems to need help when you’re around or their requests seem never-ending, you might want to dig deeper.

10. “I Was Stuck in Traffic”

Traffic delays are a believable and uncontrollable excuse. However, if they’re constantly “stuck in traffic” at odd hours or their commute suddenly takes much longer than usual, it could be a sign of deception.

11. “I’m Taking Up a New Hobby”

A sudden interest in a hobby that keeps them away from home could be a convenient excuse to meet someone else. Pay attention if they’re secretive about the details or seem more invested in spending time away than in the actual hobby.

12. “I Have a Lot on My Mind”

This vague excuse is often used to deflect questions about their behavior. While it’s natural to go through stressful periods, consistently using this line to avoid conversations about their actions can signal dishonesty.

13. “I’m Meeting a Co-Worker”

Claiming to meet a co-worker for work-related reasons is another common excuse. If this becomes a recurring story, especially outside of normal working hours, it might indicate a deeper connection with that individual.

14. “I Forgot to Tell You”

Cheaters often claim forgetfulness when caught in an unexpected situation. This excuse allows them to play innocent while shifting the focus away from their actions. Repeated instances of “forgetting” can be a pattern of deceit.

15. “You’re Just Being Paranoid”

Gaslighting is a common tactic among cheaters. By making you question your instincts, they can avoid accountability and deflect suspicion. If you’re repeatedly made to feel like your concerns are invalid, it’s time to trust your intuition.

16. “It’s a Work-Related Event”

Work events are a typical cover-up because they seem legitimate and often happen outside regular hours. If they frequently attend these events and don’t invite you along, it could be a cause for concern.

17. “I Fell Asleep”

Claiming they fell asleep when they were unreachable can be a red flag, especially if it happens regularly and coincides with other suspicious behaviors. This excuse is often used to explain away unaccounted-for time.

18. “I Forgot My Phone at Home”

Forgetting a phone conveniently leaves no way for you to contact them during the time they’re away. While this can happen to anyone, repeated instances might suggest intentional avoidance.

19. “I Needed to Cool Off”

After an argument, cheaters may use the excuse of needing to “cool off” to leave the house. While space is healthy after disagreements, frequent use of this excuse can signal ulterior motives.

20. “It’s Just a Friend”

If you question their interactions with someone and they respond by downplaying it with, “It’s just a friend,” be cautious. While opposite-sex friendships are common, secrecy or defensiveness about the relationship can indicate infidelity.


While some excuses are legitimate, repeated patterns of these behaviors combined with secrecy can indicate trouble. Relationships are built on trust and transparency. If you notice these signs, have an open and honest conversation with your partner. Sometimes, addressing concerns head-on can lead to clarity and resolution. Trust your instincts, and remember that you deserve honesty and respect in any relationship.

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