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Pilot photographs a “hidden” triangular UFO at Area 51

Pilot photographs a “hidden” triangular UFO at Area 51

Officially, Area 51 was created during the Cold War to counter the technological power of the Soviet Union, a place where they test all kinds of experimental aircraft.

Many believe that there is much more to it than what they say, more specifically Area 51 would be the designated place to hide extraterrestrial technology.

And now we have new evidence that there are aircraft in their hangars beyond what we know.

Pilot Gabe Zeifman shared footage from the Nevada Training and Test Range (NTTR), better known as Area 51, after a Dec. 25 flight.

Zeifman, an air traffic controller in training, flew his small Cessna 150 plane around Papoose Lake near the military base.

As reported by Mystery Wire, the pilot flew over the area on three separate occasions.

In videos of his flights posted on YouTube, Zeifman can be heard obtaining clearance for his route through the restricted area.

For this particular flight, Zeifman had high-quality photographic equipment that allowed him to take better pictures.

In the photos you can see Area 51, and some netizens have observed a strange triangular structure inside a hangar.

The mysterious object is blurry and it is not possible to determine exactly what it is, but everything seems to indicate that it could be an aircraft, probably a reverse-engineered extraterrestrial technology, more specifically a triangular UFO.

an international phenomenon

It should come as no surprise that hangars at Area 51 hide triangular UFOs, as they are the most common. In the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s, reports of triangular UFOs surfaced around the world.

During the 1960s, at the height of the Cold War UFO “craze”, mysterious flying triangles were sighted over the United States, Spain, Great Britain and Czechoslovakia.

In 1969, two United States National Guard pilots followed a triangular object 15 meters in diameter for 20 minutes over San Juan, Puerto Rico, until they ran out of fuel and had to return to their base.

Many of these incidents would be attributed by the competent authorities to atmospheric conditions, weather balloons or other everyday sources, but some were left unexplained.

Between 1983 and 1986, a large number of sightings occurred in the Hudson Valley, about 80 kilometers north of New York City.

One witness, a retired lieutenant with the Yorktown Police Department, described a huge, silent craft, 100 meters in diameter, hovering and performing impossible maneuvers before accelerating abruptly.
The lieutenant said he called Stewart Air Force Base to determine if one of their planes had taken off that night. The answer was negative.

That same year, a huge triangular UFO was seen by dozens of motorists on an avenue in the US state of New York.

Similar incidents occurred across the area for several years.

This leads us to wonder if perhaps the mysterious object photographed by pilot Gabe Zeifman has something to do with UFOs recorded by Navy pilots over the Pacific.

What is your opinion on this? Does the United States have advanced technology or is it extraterrestrial in origin? Leave your comment below.

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