Written by 7:37 pm World Secrets

German Professor Who Is A Hardcore Star Wars Fan Turns His Observatory Into R2-D2

German Professor Who Is A Hardcore Star Wars Fan Turns His Observatory Into R2-D2….

A German professor has turned an observatory into a massive R2-D2. Dr. Hubert Zitt, a professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Zweibrücken, is a specialist in electrotechnology and Star Wars.

Despite the fact that Zitt only got a PhD for his skills in the field of systems theory of electrotechnology, he is well-known for his lectures on Star Wars. According to Bored Panda, the science-fiction fan decided to give the Natural Science Association’s Zweibrück Observatory a facelift, painting it to appear like Star Wars’ lovable droid R2-D2.

Zitt renovated the observatory, much to the pleasure of Star Wars enthusiasts, by taking the help of his father-in-law Horst Hell, painter Klaus Ruffing, and many of his students.

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